

Welcome to my new website

Until June 2023 I didn’t think I needed a website. In fact I wasn’t much into Social Media at all. In all my spare moments from my busy life, I had scribbled away on my laptop and before then, with a pen, on reams of paper. I began several novels, short stories, random thoughts on topics of the day, simply because I loved writing. Then I finally finished ‘Heartbreak Baby’ and submitted it to Pegasus Publishers. To my joy it was accepted. Wow I’m actually a writer- a novelist. So now I needed to rocket myself into the mad world of social media. No point in having a book out there, if no one knows about it.

Please join me on my exciting new adventure into the world of publishing. Follow ‘Heartbreak Baby’ from its conception, though all the stages of its antenatal development to its final burst into a world, already teaming with wonderful books of every genre.  Whether it survives, sinks or swims, will depend on how well it is nurtured, supported and encouraged.  Well, its my baby, so I intend to give it the best possible chance in life and with the help of my family and friends, my publisher and hopefully all those out there who will feel compelled to buy it, my ‘Heartbreak Baby’ will not only survive, but have a happy, successful life.
